
Reading 2100 Initial Inspection Report

Following several weeks of work, the American Steam Railroad initial inspection report on the condition of Reading Company steam locomotive No. 2100. The report, compiled by steam locomotive contractors Jason Sobczynski and Zach Hall, includes initial testing and inspection results of the firebox, boiler, running gear, tender and various appliances. The report notes that the Reading 2100 Initial Inspection Report

2100 Report to be released August 25th

Following last weekend’s first annual open house, the American Steam Railroad Preservation Association is finalizing its inspection report on the mechanical condition of Reading Company No. 2100 and will release it to the public on August 25th.  [button open_new_tab=”true” color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”medium” url=”http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001o4tMzQsu5DNhsi5uZfuinp8NJZFDLF04ut8I9uABlnmb-ZH9qrTzdzp7fTlUuZWpPU9KI43RpAGgO5G6GVVU02qxkH-aKgkQ6pV5naURJ-Fwp4QNHJnAX8f_kk2Ng_IZFVpRwmE_GLJ4UWmbKfv9F1ml7hLisqkO” text=”NOTIFY ME” color_override=””]