Fire Up 2100 is a project of the American Steam Railroad Preservation Association with the goal of reviving steam locomotive no. 2100 for the enjoyment and education of the general public.

The American Steam Railroad is a 501(c)3 non-profit formed in 2005 and all donations are tax deductible.

For more information, visit americansteamrailroad.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question you’d like answered? Send it our way.

[toggles][toggle color=”Accent-Color” title=”Who owns 2100?”]

Reading 2100 is privately owned by a private individual who wishes to remain anonymous. The American Steam Railroad will restore and operate Reading 2100 as part of a favorable long term lease agreement.

[/toggle][toggle color=”Accent-Color” title=”Where will you restore 2100?”]

Restoration work for 2100 is planned to occur at the Midwest Railway Preservation Society in Cleveland, Ohio.

[/toggle][toggle color=”Accent-Color” title=”Where will you run 2100?”]

Numerous host railroads and partners exist that could accommodate 2100 and its operations. The American Steam Railroad has already begun engaging potential partners for this purpose.

[/toggle][toggle color=”Accent-Color” title=”How will you restore 2100?”]

2100 will be restored as closely to standard Reading practices and specifications as possible.

The American Steam Railroad will also entertain unique and celebratory paint schemes or designs historically used to modify the appearances of  other surviving T-1s for special purposes or events.

[/toggle][toggle color=”Accent-Color” title=”What does 2100 need to run again?”]

At present, the American Steam Railroad has determined that the 2100 requires the following before it can be safely and efficiently returned to operation:

  • hydrostatic test of the boiler
  • ultrasound test of the firebox
  • stripping, inspection, and rebuilding of all appliances as needed
  • inspection of the journals, crankpins, bearing
[/toggle][toggle color=”Default” title=”What will you do with the 2100?”]

We plan to return 2100 to operation to in order to operate passenger excursion trains, charter trains, and educational outreach programs throughout the Midwest.

[/toggle][toggle color=”Default” title=”How can I stay up-to-date with the project?”]

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You can also follow the project on social media.

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